sleepy hoollow bagkground

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dyeing for Elvis's guitar

This afternoon I decided I would share my dyeing for Elvis's guitar. 
Being able to dye any color you want at a moments notice is a must for the creative rug hooker. This freedom is necessary to create works that you will be happy with. Color planning is a breeze, and never settling for a color that isn't quite right. Why settle? We work long and hard to finish a rug.
Using the Wooly Mason Jar Palette Majic cards I chose a color close to the guitars. Since the guitar color is bright in the center and gradually get dark of the outside I knew I needed about 6 values. 
I chose MC 4 R+Y and decided on Value #5 on the swatch card. I then see that it needs toning down so prepred to dye 4 swatches of value #5. 
Using the master conversion card I easily found which amounts of so,ution was needed for 4 swatches/1/8 yd or 40 gr

Once these where done I added black in gradation amounts beginning with 2 of the equivalent of 1/16 tsp, 1/8 tsp and 1/4 tsp. The finished pieces look perfect even wet.
After about 12 minutes all 4 were done in the microwave and on the line to dry. Since it is nice and sunny they are dried and ready to go just an hour later.
Now I am ready to start my piece with these results! I also know I can easily make just one swatch of any if needed. 
I hope this inspires you to dye your own wool...any color...any time you swatch or 1 yd..the same way!
Thanks to my Majic Palette cards and The Wooly Mason Jar Color Wheel Dye system dyeing is fast and easy!